Welcome to our Blog!

I am happy to announce that our classroom is the setting of a SMART Learning Environments Project. We are 1 of 5 classrooms chosen by SMART Technology to participate.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Transporting Files Via SMART SE USB Bracelets (Student Response 7)

Most of you have had the chance to use or see the SMART SE USB bracelets in action. Not only do the bracelets carry project templates and other features, but they allow you to transport your Notebook 10 assignments from the computer lab, to work on at home. The Notebook 10 software is 'on-board', therefore you do not need to have the software installed on your home computer, in order to use it. Tell us about your experience using the bracelet: For what purpose have you used the bracelet? Is it convenient? Why or why not? What do you think of the physical design of the bracelet?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Projects with Notebook 10 Software (Student Response 6)

We are currently working on two very exciting projects in Language Arts and Science that involve a final presentation using Notebook 10 Software (Poetry Analysis and Les objets du système solaire). Now that you are familiar with the software and the many things it offers it's users (style, animation, links, color, gallery, etc.), tell us about your projects! What have you done so far to enhance the presentation? What do you plan to do? What do you need to know more about? Again, please consider the 5 point blog rubric and spelling before posting.