Welcome to our Blog!

I am happy to announce that our classroom is the setting of a SMART Learning Environments Project. We are 1 of 5 classrooms chosen by SMART Technology to participate.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I am happy to announce that our classroom is the setting of a SMART Learning Environments Project. We are 1 of 5 classrooms chosen by SMART Technology, maker of the SMARTBoard (http://smarttech.com/), to participate.

The purpose of this undertaking is research based. SMART would like for us to demonstrate how their products support whole class interactive teaching, cooperative group work and individual learning. This is a unique opportunity for us to share ideas and explore effective teaching and learning techniques.

The modern world is in a constant state of change. I want our students to be comfortable using the tools necessary to prepare them for our fast-paced world. Plus, being the 'igeneration', school is much more appealing to students when interactive media is at their fingertips. This project will give students more opportunities to learn their way.

For our participation, SMART has provided our classroom with the following products: SMART USB bracelets (30 to use and share in-class), one Airliner wireless slate, a SMART Document Camera and software. In return, we will share our experiences using the products through video, this blog, Senteo surveys and a final research paper of my observations (written by me).

As a showcase classroom, we will communicate with other teachers and classrooms via published video online. Some of these videos may be uploaded to sites like District 16 Media Server, TeacherTube, and/or SMART Technology.

I am very excited to have this opportunity and I am looking forward to some worthy, educational experiences as a result. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours in learning,

Ms Amy Barrieau



Anonymous said...

what is the exact time,second,hourand day that we go to Fredericton?

A. Barrieau said...

We will be meeting our penpals in person Friday, June 5th in Fredericton. We will be leaving early! More info later...
Miss Barrieau